Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Scotte tenerman must die

Cartman paid Scotte $10 for pubes but then realised he was ment to grow his own.
Cartman tried to get his money back but ended up losing more money.
Scotte then burned Cartmans money infront of him.
Cartman got angry so he decided to make a plan, which ended up killing Scottes parents and Scotte accidently eating What he thought Was baked chille.
he realised what he was eating had his mom and dads body parts in it.
Cartman invited Scottes favourite band there, and they made fun of him crying.
Cartman loved Scotte Crying, and licked up his tears. Kyle & Stan realised that they should never pee Cartman off again.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

night of the living homeless

What started as a couple of homless poeple, turned into a apocaliptic homless invasion.
The homeless people asked for change so much, that wasnt safe to go outside.
People started to go crazy from these things, so they barricaded themselves on a roof armed with a gun. The boys then came to rescue them after a while.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

red power

this is a picture of eric cartman, but hes ginger, his friends were fed up of him mocking ginger people, so they dyed his hair ginger, cartman was so freaked out about it, and other people didnt learn to accept him, so he made a clan for gingers as seen above.
cartman decided to make the world only gingers, so he and his ginger friends kidnapped all non ginger kids and tried to exterminate all the non gingers once and for all.
while he was about to toss kyle into the lava, kyle told cartman that his hair was only dyed and that he was not a ginger.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mr(s) garison

This gay guy had a gender change operation
causing his boyfriend to leave him
mr garison or mrs garisons life started to fade away after that
and espesialy after kyle poped mr garisons balls in a basket ball game
so mr garison decided to live a new life as a woman